Photo of Ryan sitting on steps

Meet Ryan Herbert, Founder and CEO.

Entrepreneur, CPA, and Musician

Ryan founded Tenth Avenue Group in 2021 with the goal of providing remote and outsourced accounting and CFO services to entrepreneurs and their growing companies. Having started multiple businesses, Ryan can directly relate to his clients. He combines accounting expertise with outstanding client service to deliver results.

Ryan was born and raised in Los Angeles and is a proud Loyola Cub and USC Trojan. He lives in Pacific Palisades with his wife and two children.

What inspired you to start your own accounting firm?

After 15+ years in accounting and operations roles, I wanted to go out on my own and apply what I had learned. I saw an opportunity to leverage cloud-based technology and provide accounting services in a way that I hadn’t seen done before.

Why did you choose Tenth Avenue Group for your firm’s name?

Tenth Avenue Group comes from a Bruce Springsteen song, Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out, about making changes and getting to a better place. The Boss says, “You’ve got to work at it. You don’t stumble onto those things. You’ve got to seek them out. And you’ve got to have help.” I love this song and the message resonated with me. It came down that or The Ryan Herbert Accounting Company, Inc. I’m glad we went with Tenth Avenue Group.

How did you get your start in accounting?

I took my first accounting class as a sophomore in college and shockingly enjoyed it. Accounting majors were, and still are, in high demand, and in the back of my head was my dad saying, “You better be employed when you graduate!” Accounting can get a bad rap as boring, but I love it. When asked to describe it, I say its a combination of problem solving, organizing, and simple math.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Providing value for my clients. Giving them the support they need to successfully run their businesses. When I help a client solve a problem, I know I’m doing my job well. I also enjoy connecting with my clients. Hearing their stories and how they started their businesses is inspiring.

What is the best advice you have received?

Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Navigating challenges in business takes a clear mind and the ability to work through difficult things. The less you let the stress and noise get to you, the better off you’ll be.

What has music taught you about business?

Playing in bands gave me a roadmap for starting a business. Bands have that spirit you find in entrepreneurs. That DIY mentality when things need to get done. Bands also involve a lot of trust. To be successful, everyone needs to play their part. All these things apply in business.

What is a perfect day for you in Los Angeles?

A perfect day would involve a morning run to the beach, lunch with my family at Malibu Country Mart, and an afternoon with the kids at the Santa Monica pier. And if we are lucky enough to find a babysitter, an evening with my wife at the Hollywood Bowl. This day would also surely involve a ton of traffic, but hey, that’s LA.

What is the most important lesson you have learned?

At the core of any successful business is a desire to provide the client or customer with the best service, product, or experience possible. I take that to heart.

What does success mean to you?

Success in business means getting up in the morning and being excited to work another day. I feel very fortune to work with some incredible people and do something I love for a living. It doesn’t get any better than that.


Connect with Ryan.